
Accelerate application delivery, scalability, and security.

Whether you're looking to migrate to the cloud, build DevSecOps capabilities, or stay compliant - we can help.

Cloud Architecture

Containerization and Orchestration

Our team is experienced with containerizing workloads, and using higher-level orchestrators to bake in scalability, monitoring, and fault tolerance.

Key Tech & Partners: Docker, Kubernetes, Amazon ECS

We're heavy users of serverless and optimization around cloud-native serverless workloads.

Key Tech & Partners: AWS Lambda, Serverless Framework
Hybrid or Multi Cloud

Build on your existing on-premise infrastructure while harnessing the flexibility of public cloud offerings.

Migration Paths

In this method, we keep as much of the original application intact as possible while incrementally moving workloads to the cloud.
In this path, services are swapped with their cloud native, scalable equivalents - for instance, switching a MySQL server for AWS Aurora.
Rewrite or re-architect portions of the application to take advantage of the best that public cloud providers can offer.


Continuous Integration

Builds-as-a-service. Increase sprint velocity and developer productivity with automated build pipelines on every code change.

Key Tech & Partners: Jenkins, AWS CodeBuild, CircleCI
Continuous Delivery

Automatic or human-signed deploys to any application or environment. Drastically reduce your Time To Release.

Key Tech & Partners: AWS CodeDeploy, CircleCI, Jenkins
Test Automation

Reduce risk by running unit and integration tests performantly on every commit.

Key Tech & Partners: CircleCI, GoCD, TravisCI

Security, Compliance & Monitoring

Secure Cloud Architecture

Architect your cloud deployment for end-to-end security, OWASP vulnerabilities, and cloud-specific attack vectors

Key Tech & Partners: Twistlock, Tigera, AWS Security Products
Continuous Compliance

Monitored, self-healing deployments with compliance guardrails baked in.

Key Tech & Partners: Tigera, AWS Macie, Evident
Sophisticated Monitoring & Logging

Monitor application metrics for security & performance (APM). Log and search everything.

Key Tech & Partners: New Relic, Prometheus, Datadog, Papertrail